Socratic Circle Prep- TEWWG Directions : Choose 6 of the questions to consider thoughtfully outside of class. In order to participate in the inner circle, you must have answers and quotes/sections of text to discuss for those 6 questions. Read over the rest of the questions and be prepared to discuss them, although you do not have to have written answers. What kind of God are the eyes of Hurston's characters watching? What is the nature of that God and of their watching? Do any of them question God? What is the importance of the concept of horizon? How do Janie and each of her men widen her horizons? What is the significance of the novel's final sentences in this regard? How does Janie's journey--from West Florida, to Eatonville, to the Everglades--represent her, and the novel's increasing immersion in black culture and traditions? What elements of individual action and communal life characterize that immersion? To what extent does Janie acquire her...